To exit the basket
If you would like to return to the basket later to continue editing, select ‘X’ to return to the tab you were in.
To submit the basket
The Assign button in the Assignment basket will be inactive until you have:
- set a date for all your assignments.
- selected a teaching group/students.
Once you have set a date for all assignments and selected a teaching group and students, click Assign to submit the Assignment Basket to your students.
Click the cross to leave the basket, items will remain and you can finish assigning later. Instructions on removing items from your basket can be found here.
After setting assignments, students will receive a notification on Kerboodle for each test on the start date you selected, and they will appear in the student’s Assessment tab and Markbook after completing the test.
You can review all assigned tests and marks in the Markbook.
Please note the basket capacity is 40 items at one time.