We have pulled together all the resources you need for back-to-school housekeeping to ensure your school gets the most out of their Kerboodle subscription this year.
If you’d like more hands-on support, book a support call to help you complete your set up. For more detail on what being a Kerboodle administrator involves, watch our on-demand webinar.
Are you a teacher? Visit our back-to-school page just for you.

Archive leavers
Final year students, any other students who have left the school, and any teachers no longer at the school all need to be archived.

Move students up a year
Make sure your students are in the correct year groups ahead of the new term.

Add new students
Have you added any new students to Kerboodle? Find out how.

Make sure all students are allocated to a teaching group
All students must be allocated to a teaching group so that they can access tasks and homework set by their teacher. If you can see a list of unallocated students when you log in to Kerboodle, please make the relevant teachers aware so that they can add them to their teaching groups.

Add new teachers
New teachers joined? Send them an invite and give them access for the new term, by inviting new teachers.

Student slips and parent letters
We have selection of useful Kerboodle administrator tools.
- CSV checker – before you upload your new students to Kerboodle, check the formatting is correct.
- Student slip – Easily provide login details to your students.
- Parent letter – Provide parents with their child’s login details.