If a student has an email address associated with their Kerboodle account, they will be able to reset their own password by clicking Trouble logging in? on the login screen.

If a student does not have an email address associated with their account, you will need to reset their password for them. Teachers can also reset students’ passwords.

As an administrator you can reset student passwords by following the steps below:

  • Log in to your administrator account.
  • If you want to reset the password for multiple students, tick the boxes next to the names of the students whose passwords you wish to reset.
  • If you want to reset the password for a particular year group or class then select that year group or class and tick the box next to Surname, First name in the column headings. This will highlight all the students in that particular year group or class.
  • Click More and then click Reset passwords.
  • This will reset the students’ passwords to be the same as their username. They will be required to change their password when they next log in.