Once your school purchases or trials a Kerboodle subscription, you’ll need to follow these steps to set up your account.

1. The purchasing teacher receives a confirmation email including an activation link. Make sure you click on the link.

2. Teacher invites the administrator (if this your school’s first Kerboodle subscription or your school doesn’t yet have a Kerboodle administrator).
You can also invite fellow teachers.

3.The administrator creates student accounts to allow students to access Kerboodle at school and at home.
If you’d like your students to use single sign-on to access Kerboodle with their school Google or Microsoft account details, do mention this to your administrator so that they can take this into consideration when creating the accounts.

4. Teachers create teaching groups. Students have access to all of your school’s subscriptions by default, and their access is controlled by teachers.
If you need further assistance in getting your school set up, you can organise free in-school training or alternatively you can book a free support call.