If your book is available offline, there will be a download icon on the book tile.

Confirm you want to download the book to your browser. While the download is in progress, do not close Kerboodle.*

You will be notified once the book has completed downloading.

The offline book will then be available when no internet connection is made and you will be directed to an offline line mode. You will also be notified when internet connection is found so you can return to the full online experience.

After you have clicked to view downloaded books you will be taken to a offline mode.

Managing offline book
If you no longer require the offline version of the book, you can remove the download via the download icon on your book tile.

If a digital book is updated you will be notified via the top bar and a pink dot on the book tile to show that an update of your downloaded book is available.

Why has my download failed?
No internet connectivity
To be able to download an offline version of your book you must be connected to the internet at the point of downloading. You will see a ‘You’re offline’ message if you are not.

Browser closed during download
While the book is downloading you must keep your browser open.
No browser space
The offline book is stored against the browser you are using. If you are having issues downloading your book this could be due to your cache on your browser. We recommend clearing your cache. This can vary from browser to browser, example for Google Chrome.
*The offline book is stored against your browser. If you are accessing Kerboodle on multiple devices you will need to redownload against the devices browser. You will not be able to use a incognito or private browser when trying to access an offline book.