Get up and running with MathsBeat. Find advice and tools below to help you get the most out of your subscription.
Please note you will need to be logged in on Kerboodle.com to view the below content.
First steps

To get started with your subscription watch the pre-recorded walkthrough support videos. This will help you to familiarise yourself with the digital planner and supporting resources.

How to teach a lesson using MathsBeat
Watch a short video created by series editor, Robert Wilne, on navigating your way around Kerboodle as you teach your first MathsBeat lesson.

Introduction to MathsBeat PDF
Further information on the principles behind MathsBeat, the key components of the programme, and an explanation of the teaching sequence structure can be found in this introductory PDF.
Lessons and resources

Digital Planner
The Digital Planner is your toolkit for day-to-day teaching, it is organised by year group, term and unit, and includes links to pupil facing and professional development resources.

The resources tab contains a collection of all resources to support the planning and teaching of MathsBeat. It is divided by whole-school teacher support, year groups, and by terms. You can also favorite and add your own resources here.

IWB Tool
The Interactive Whiteboard Tool includes a wide range of apparatus and imagery to support a Concrete Pictorial Abstract approach. This tab also contains a brief video demonstrating the key features of the IWB tool and a full user guide with instructions.

Medium and long-term planning resources
The medium term plan shows a detailed breakdown of the content in each unit for each term per year. The long-term plan shows the overall progression of units per year. To find these plans search ‘term plan’ in the resources tab.
User Management

User Management
This tab allows you to create and organise teaching groups for MathsBeat, as well as invite more teachers to Kerboodle.
Further support

Book a support call
Book a call with a member of our team at no extra cost.

Facebook community
See how other teachers are using MathsBeat, share your thoughts and stay up to date on Facebook.

General Kerboodle guidance
Need more general hints and tips on using Kerboodle? Check out our dedicated teacher support section.