We’re here to support you. You may have noticed some changes to your Kerboodle. We have summarised the updates below to help you get started.
Navigating Kerboodle
When you first log in to Kerboodle, you will notice a new look to your Kerboodle.
Your homepage
You can add courses to your own student library by selecting the plus sign next to the course tile. You can now filter courses to find the resources right for you, and clicking the Manage My Library button lets you focus in on the courses relevant to you.
Digital Book
All your Digital books will now display on your course homepage. Simply click on your selected book and it will open in a new tab as before.
Staying up to date
Your course homepage is still the best place to stay up to date with your assignments for each course.
Lessons and resources
You’ll notice a change in look for the Lessons and Resources pages. Just click the arrow to see more information about each resource.
Add to Favourites
Want to favourite a resource? Simply expand the resource view (click on the arrow) and select the star. To view your favourites, go into the Favourites folder in the bottom left.
Exploring content
As before you can use the course structure to navigate through content. The new structure is designed to work across devices, so looks and works a little differently to before. To explore the course structure, simply click on the arrows to expand or reduce the view.
You can also use search, sort and filter as before, you just need to click on the arrows to expand or reduce your view.
Please note the content itself, will still be best viewed on larger devices such as laptops, tablets etc.
As before, your teacher may set you assignments in Kerboodle. You can find these via your notification centre or your Assessments page in each course.
Completing homework
Your assignments, on your Assessment page, can be easily sorted to see what is due immediately. Use the Current, Today, This week and Expired options.
Your assessments are shown with a summary of what they are, marks available, due date and which one of your teachers have assigned them.
Simply click on the homework to get started. You can find more details on submitting or completing your work within the dedicated support pages.
Please note completing homework will still be best viewed on larger devices such as laptops, tablets etc.
We’ve updated the look and feel of your notification panel. Any time you are set an assignment, you will receive a notification.
Once you have finished reading a notification, you can click Archive to hide it. Notifications are available at any point by clicking the bell icon in the top right hand corner.
Managing your Kerboodle
My Profile
You will notice a refreshed look to your profile page which you can access by clicking on your initials in the top right hand corner. Here you can update your password if needed.
Further support
Please speak to your teacher if you need any further support with the changes on Kerboodle.
Using Kerboodle walk-through
A walk-through guide, coming soon.
Work in progress
There are a number of improvements and fixes we are continuing to make so you might see some small changes pulling through over the next couple of months.