Living Faiths

Get up and running with Living Faiths. Find advice and tools below to help you get the most out of your subscription.

Please note that to view the examples below, you will need to be subscribed to Living Faiths and logged into

First steps

Digital books

A great first step is to take a look at the Living Faiths Digital Books. Students can annotate, highlight and add notes to their book. Plus film icons show where case studies have corresponding films on Kerboodle.

Teacher guides

The Teacher Guides are also available in the Digital Book section, providing practical guidance and support, including creative suggestions for activities to set students. Example: Christianity Teacher guide

Lessons and resources

Resources tab

Another tip is to click into the Resources tab and familiarise yourself with the different types of resources available including: worksheets, interactive activities, audio clips and films.


Real-life, engaging videos and case-studies give an insight into how faiths are practised and lived in people’s daily lives, bringing families of faith into your classroom or home.

Lesson players

Students can use the lesson players to guide them through a complete unit, with a ready-to-go presentation with embedded resources, great for helping students to learn independently.


Check progress

Check how your students are doing with assessment tools, including auto-marked quizzes, self-assessment sheets, and resources to support students with the end-of-unit assessment tasks from the Student Books.

Assigning work

Assignments found within the Assessment tab, including quizzes, exam-style questions, etc., need to be assigned to a student for them to be able to view and complete.

Further support

Book a support call

Book a call with a member of our team at no extra cost.

Facebook community

See how other teachers are using Kerboodle, share your thoughts and stay up to date on Facebook.

General Kerboodle guidance

Need more general hints and tips on using Kerboodle? Check out our dedicated teacher support section.

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