Get up and running with KS3 History 4th Edition . Find advice and tools below to help you get the most out of your subscription.

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First steps

Digital books

A great first step is to take a look at the KS3 History 4th Edition Digital Books. They are hotspotted with engaging resources launching straight from the page so you can easily find all of the relevant activities for that topic. New enquiries provide support for diversifying your history curriculum with lessons and digital resources.

Curriculum and Assessment Planning Guide

The Curriculum and Assessment Planning Guide is included in the Digital Books tab to support you in your teaching. It provides guidance to help you design a coherent and knowledge-rich curriculum, plus all content and assessments are mapped to the KS3 National Curriculum and to GCSE.

Lessons and resources


Each spread of the book has a ready to go Resource Planner which has a slide with teacher notes that launches all resources for the lesson. You can find these in the Lessons tab. Plus each chapter also has an assessment planner which launches the assessments for each chapter.

Skills support

Get students to develop their history skills including: chronology, cause and consequence, interpretation and source analysis, and similarity and difference.

A variety of resources support these history skills including interactive activities, differentiated worksheets, and assessment presentations.

Knowledge retention

Film clips and animations help embed knowledge. Plus, a variety of resources help to check students’ understanding, including: interactive activities, knowledge organisers, and auto-marked quizzes, which are great for assigning to students to work through independently.


Assigning work

Assignments found within the Assessment tab, including quizzes, exam-style questions, etc., need to be assigned to a student for them to be able to view and complete.

Support progression

Kerboodle supports progression and assessment with differentiated assessment worksheets, auto-marked knowledge quizzes, and end-of-lesson assessments.

Further support

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General Kerboodle guidance

Need more general hints and tips on using Kerboodle? Check out our dedicated teacher support section.

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