Get up and running with Discovering Mathematics. Find advice and tools below to help you get the most out of your subscription.
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First steps
Digital books
View all three tiers (Foundation, Middle and Higher) of the Discovering Mathematics Student Books across three phases. You can annotate, highlight and add notes to the digital books and launch video resources through hotspots.
Series guide
A short, easy-to-read overview of how this mastery course works and how to embed it successfully in your school.
Scheme of work
A scheme of work for every tier in each phase maps the course objectives onto relevant KS3 Programme of Study references and outlines the series resources available for each topic. Try looking at 1A Foundation Tier Scheme of Work for an example.
Chapter introduction videos
Chapter opening videos introduce every topic in an engaging, real-life context. Take a look at 2B Middle Tier Chapter 9 for an example. You can find the other introduction videos by chapter in the Resources tab.
Try It! videos
Unique Try It! videos provide a line-by-line walk-through of model answers to selected questions. You can find the Try It! videos by clicking on the relevant chapter in the Resources tab. Take a look at 1C Higher Tier Chapter 3 for an example.
Workbook fully-worked solution
Fully-worked solutions to all questions in the Workbooks show students how to reason and present their answers using precise mathematical language. You can find the other introduction videos by chapter in the Resources tab.
Baseline test
Baseline tests with mark schemes and an assessment tool help you to set students at the beginning of Year 7. Find out more on how to assign these to your students.
End of chapter tests
Printable end-of-chapter summative assessments cover basic fluency, application of concepts and problem solving. Mark schemes (with GCSE grades) are provided and a student assessment tool makes it easy for you to track whole-class progress. Take a look at 2A Foundation Tier Chapter 1 for an example. You can navigate to these by clicking on the relevant chapter in the Assessments tab.
Online skills test
Auto-marked formative tests for every chapter give you and your students instant feedback, allowing for rapid intervention and support. Take a look at 1B Middle Tier Chapter 5 for an example. You can navigate to these by clicking on the relevant chapter in the Assessments tab.
Self-assessment checklist
Printable booklets for students to track their progress – available with or without GCSE grades for assessments. Take a look at 2C Higher Tier for an example. You can navigate to these by clicking on the relevant chapter in the Assessments tab.
End of phase tests
Two assessments for the end of each phase (calculator and non-calculator) along with mark schemes. Take a look at 1B Middle Tier End of Phase 1 for an example.
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