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Get up and running with Catapult. Find advice and tools below to help you get the most out of your subscription.

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First steps

Digital books

A great first step is to start exploring the Catapult 1 and Catapult 2 digital books. These have been hotspotted throughout so that you have easy access to the audio versions of each source text, comprehension quizzes and unit worksheets. Please note that while teacher access to the digital books is included with a Lessons, Resources and Assessment subscription, access for students needs to be requested separately. Please get in touch with us if you require this.


Once you have taken a closer look at the digital books, you will find useful overviews of objectives and tasks for each chapter in the planning tab. You can use this to hone in on chapters or specific skills you want to cover. Example: Chapter 1.



Each unit is centred around either a fiction or non-fiction text. To help all students access these texts and to get the most from them, students can listen to an audio version. Example: A Monster Calls audio

Comprehension quizzes

When students have read and/or listened to the source text, they can use the simple-to-use comprehension quizzes to check their understanding. Example: A Monster Calls comprehension quiz

Adding your own resources

You can add to the bank of resources with your own which means that you can create lessons and units that are bespoke to your classes.


SPaG Quizzes

From the Assessments tab you can assign spelling, punctuation and grammar interactives to individual students, to groups of students or to whole classes. Not only do students find these fun to complete, they are automarked and feed directly into your markbook.

Further support

Facebook community

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Book a support call

Book a call with a member of our team at no extra cost.

General Kerboodle guidance

Need more general hints and tips on using Kerboodle? Check out our dedicated teacher support section.

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